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Millennium-old Sacred Relic: Three-eyed Dzi Bead

Millennium-old Sacred Relic: Three-eyed Dzi Bead

Regular price $6,600.00 USD
Regular price $18,800.00 USD Sale price $6,600.00 USD
Sale Sold out

Category: Three - eyed Dzi Bead


Totem name: Canopy Three - eyed(宝盖三眼)


Functions: The Canopy Three - eyed usually refers to the Canopy Three - eyed Dzi Bead, which has rich meanings. It symbolizes the compassion and wisdom of Guanyin Bodhisattva. It represents "timing", "harmony among people" and "favorable geographical conditions", and can help the wearer achieve their wishes and bring in abundant wealth. It also symbolizes supreme authority and power, assisting practitioners in their pursuit of wisdom and strength.


Target groups: business people ;financial practitioners

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